Thursday, October 16, 2008

Coulter's Pumpkin Patch!

Today, Maya went on a fieldtrip to the pumpkin patch with her class. It was a perfect fall day for running through corn mazes, playing on the "Trick or Treat Express" school bus, driving the train, and searching for the perfect pumpkin.

Maya's favorite thing to do at school is to play with her friend Kadin. They seem to be inseparable. Maya and Kadin are usually always hanging out, sitting next to each other at snack, and playing together. Today on the fieldtrip was no different. Kadin is featured in almost every one of my snapshots.

It is wonderful and sad all at the same time to see such a grown-up Maya interacting with her friends. Although not often, she still takes an occasional quick glimpse around just to make sure her Mommy is still lurking in the croud. My how times have changed from needing to hold her mommy's hand each step of the way.

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